Saturday, December 25, 2010

UPS is a Jerk and Two More FEZ Vidyas

>Was supposed to be here on the 23rd but rescheduled delivery for Christmas Eve.
>Out for Delivery since 6 AM yesterday
>Does not come today at all

There goes the Christmas gifts planned. Also, no PS3 recording until the package gets here either. Arriving on the 27th, on Monday, TWO DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS.

I know shit happens, but it was planned to come here before Christmas. I was hoping UPS would keep their word on it since I can’t blame Amazon for it being late.

Oh well, just gotta wait for them. = =;;

Here's the two Fantasy Earth Zero vidyas:
Challenge of Rhom Video
Jacoal Hill Video

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fantasy Earth Zero Video Uploaded

EDIT: Since YouTube decided to troll me by allowing me to upload whole 15 minute videos. I'll wait on that and post it up instead.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Finally Winter Break!

Well, I’m finally on Winter Break from the university I go to. I haven’t posted in ages because I was busy with work from there. I’ll be able to get back to posting on this since I’m finally home and relaxed from studies until Spring semester.

Games I’m playing still: Mabinogi and Fantasy Earth Zero.

Later on during Christmas I’m getting my PS3, Resonance of Fates, White Knight Chronicles, and Demon’s Souls. And hopefully more PS3 games in the future. inb4nogaems.

That way I’ll be able to make use of my working Dazzle and create some video game playthroughs. I don’t think I’d ever make a Let’s Play, I really don’t. Doesn’t seem to be worth the time, maybe.

But yeah, I’m not dead. And you should be ashamed if you thought I was dead.

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Dazzle Video Capture Card Finally Works!

Only because I did disable the damn forced driver signing thing.  Even though, I thought I had disabled it before.  Now that it works, I can record audio and video of gameplay from consoles through pinnacle.  If I want to stream it… I need to by a Y audio splitter so I can capture sound for streaming on Livestream or Justin.TV.  That’s basically it.  I think this is probably the first uncategorized post ever.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Did I mention I’m a lazy faggot?

Yeah, I’m just waaaaay too lazy to update this sometimes.  Even though, I don’t even have to login to post. = =;; It’s kinda annoying not updating this when I mean to update this you know?

I’m still playing Fantasy Earth Zero, but regardless we’re a bit inactive due to the things we have to do in real life. I will play from time to time still.

Mabinogi recently went into G10, congratulations to Soko that got the Tara Sealstone. I wish it hit G11 sooner just so there’s more Tara shadow missions. The current ones are a bit lacking in quantity with quality. Just a bit annoying.

On another note, we have a Livestream that we have up and running from time to time.  It's usually Armelle and I that stream random things. There’s content on the auto-pilot if you feel like watching:

Well, that’s all I feel the need to post.  Nothing else.  Nope nope.  Now get lost. Yeah, that’s all I have to post today.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fantasy Earth Zero, Second Open Beta Today.

Well, lately I’ve been getting into the Fantasy Earth Zero. I actually enjoyed the first OB more than I thought I would. I decided to post this since I have posted anything in a long ass time. No, I haven’t left Mabinogi. I’m more or less taking a break from it (Again). Second Open Beta is some time today, just hopefully I’ll be able to get into the kingdom I’m looking to get into.


Pretty much, I’m headed to Hordaine with the rest of the guildies. Nicer capital, and stuff.