Monday, September 28, 2009

Back in Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online

Well, I probably should've posted this way back when I actually started playing. Currently I'm playing with Mia and Dertia. I'm a melee destruction magic user. Mia is our gunner. And Dertia is our NUKING MAGIC SPECIALIST. Recently we all got the bless expertise to class 1 so we could help Dertia's MP pool for casting magic.

Yeah, this is an extremely short post. I really hope Mabinogi gets G8 soon. Else I'm going to rage.

Last note on accomplishments, I got a group to work together to do Bee-be-beat it! I feel happy about that.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Woohoo College

Well, now I'm successfully in college. Life, hasn't been so great for me. So far its been one problem after another. First problem was money for supplies for my studio class, caused me to have an absence since I couldn't afford supplies. Then one of my advisors calls me about my classes, basically saying I was enrolled in the wrong one. Thing is, I registered the list of classes they gave me during orientation and now two of my classes were dropped for a math class.

Because of that I had to spend more money on a math book which ate a good chunk of my funds.

Then suddenly. LOL WINDOWS COULD NOT START UP DUE TO A CORRUPT FILE. My cousin saved me on that one with her reinstallation disc, because I left mine at home.

Here's the other problem. My dad's been hospitalized. He was always complaining about how tired he was especially not getting enough sleep. I discovered that he hid the fact that he was hospitalized from me and that he had an extremely low amount of blood in his body that he had to get blood for. I swear it could be due to the medication he's taking. I know my dad's side of the family has heart problems, but low blood? C'mon, something is wrong here.

I'm not pulling my hair out yet or anything. But it's getting a little stressful to manage my college work (mostly studio class work) and the events happening to me in life. Luckily, no gray hairs. Don't want them, but stress will cause them.

Sooner or later I'll get down to beginning that comic on the website I created. Hopefully, get an art site going along with it.

Gameplaying hasn't been so great lately. Especially since Mia's graphics card is literally dead and now we're waiting on her new one which we hope comes and gets installed tomorrow.

I need to do anime episode reviews again one day. Maybe a "Let's Play" series on Youtube. Dunno. I need something to do whenever I get the free time. But, mostly I'm aiming for the comic to be done and posted on the web, updating weekly or so. It'd be nice, but I don't think Mia is up for it currently with her video card problem.

If life can get any worse, I won't be surprised. Shit is gonna happen regardless. OTL.